Create Caricatures

Using deep learning models, we created a website that generates unique caricatures.

Our team created a website that allows users to generate their caricatures [code]. When the idea of creating a caricature-generating website initially emerged, there were already similar services in existence. While researching, I came across AI models called StyleCLIP and StyleCariGAN, and proposed the addition of a feature that generates caricatures with various facial expressions from users.

Our service has two core functionalities. The first is generating caricatures, and the second allows users to choose one of the five facial expressions to create their caricature. To provide these two services, we utilized two deep learning models: StyleCLIP and StyleCariGAN.

During this project, I recognized the immense potential of leveraging artificial intelligence to craft a variety of engaging and diverse services. The prospect of witnessing AI’s future applications across domains fills me with enthusiasm. Furthermore, I recognized the necessity of learning web and mobile development in order to release services and products utilizing AI. This realization became a motivation for me to apply to SSAFY.

Do you like my caricature? 😊